IVC Evidensia celebrates World Reptile Day
Today is World Reptile Day, a day dedicated to recognising the more than 10,000 species in this group.

At IVC Evidensia, we have vets who are specially trained to provide expert care for these exotic animals. We asked two of our specialists what they would say to colleagues who might be interested in working with reptiles.
Country Medical Director, Norway, Monica Heggelund:
“Do it! It’s lots of fun, and the owners are so grateful.”
Clinical Lead Exotics at Great Western Exotics, Dr Tom Dutton:
“There’s a number of ways of developing clinical confidence working with reptiles. Formal training such as certificate and residency programmes are one option, alternatively, finding a good mentor in clinical practice can help you develop clinical skills in a supportive environment.”
We are committed to delivering the highest standard of care to all species, ensuring healthy animals and happy owners.